Friday, June 1, 2018

MRI #1 of 2018

I was nervous the past few days because I'd never had 1 at that hospital before.  The room the machine is in is roomier and my mom was allowed in to help me get on/off the table.  No IV!  I was just given a shot and there was just that quick pinch.  The MRI didn't take long.

Friday, May 11, 2018


I made it to my eye doctor appointment yesterday.  My brother drove my mom and I there.  It was a long day, lots of waiting and traffic.    My eyes are stable.

A few days ago I made it to level 3,000 in Candy Crush Saga.  A hundred or so levels left.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

3rd Time Wasn't a Charm!

My rescheduled eye doctor appointment was today.  The weather was meh, but at least it was only lightly raining.  My mom and I were in the car close to 3pm.  On the way there for some reason we got lost, which is a bit funny because we've been there bunches.  We ended up just going home  It was 5:30pm-ish when we got here.

Well, my streak's ruined! lol  I haven't been outside since like late November. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring, FINALLY!

It was 83 F today, it's so very nice!  I missed warm weather  so much!  The cold weather seemed to last for eternity!

My mom took our cat Calee to the vet the other day for shots and stuff.  Seems Calee is 16 years old.  My baby is an old lady!

I'm getting close to level 3,000 in Candy Crush Saga.  I'm on 2,897 HAHAHA!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

It's That Time Again

Started on Friday.  Yep, gonna be a lovely weekend...

I finally watched the show Rise the other day, it was so-so.  I read another article that said the show is only loosely based and inspired by my teacher, so I'm not watching more lol.

I also watched the 2st 2 episodes of the Roseanne revival, those I liked.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Nor'easter #4, Happy 1st Day of Spring...

Thankfully the power and heat did not go out like during #3, the 1 in my last entry.  Nearly 3 full days..  We did however get more snow.  As I keep seeing on FB, "Go home winter you're drunk"  or whichever way they worded it.  Snow and freezing does not = spring to me.  My computer says it's snowing at the moment.

@April, let's switch like in the movie The Holiday!  lol  Shame that wouldn't work so well.  Calee wouldn't approve, she hides when strangers are here.

I wanna try that new NBC show "Rise" it's based off my former Theater teacher.  They kept his 1st name, but changed his last and they obviously changed the location. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I Suppose I'll Post

For the past (almost 14) few days I've been making sure to reach the 1st Daily Goal on Swagbucks. My winning streak has been interrupted.  Aunt Flo came yesterday and I'm dealing with cramps today, so yeah, fork that.

Apparently the eye doctor appt. was rescheduled to this Thursday, but we're supposed to get more snow Weds into Thurs so my appt might be rescheduled again.  I'd be happy, but I still think snow is EVIL.  Especially when ice comes with it.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Pretty Good Day

I actually won in today's Daily Trivia, 1st time this month lol.  All thanks to Webby not getting his usual high score.  So now I'm not the only loser with 0 wins haha.

My shoe hasn't really hurt me any of the few times I've stood up or have done a side-step.  I'm so glad my chant in my head hasn't come true("this is gonna hurt.....")

The Event they have going on in FB's game Dragon City has a Unicorn Dragon as a prize and I'm close to winning it!  Yes, I am a geek :P .

Biggest win of the day?  My mom canceling my eye doc. appointment due to the cold and rain.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Netflix's "Everything Sucks!"

I watched the pilot episode yesterday.  Ah, 1996, I was 15 back at that time.  When I got to high school it was 10th grade, the middle school I went to had 7th, 8th and 9th.  So technically I was never a freshman in high school!  They changed it the year after, making it so that there were 9th graders.

Anyways the show, too soon for me to tell if it's any good.  The pilot didn't hook me.

Friday, February 16, 2018

My Birthday - 15th, Thurday

My mom signed "happy birthday" to me as we got me ready for bed in the morning.  Friends wished me a happy birthday on Facebook and a few other places online.  My brother did not say it anywhere, either he forgot or was busy.

I just played my FB games and finished the movie I started the other night on Netflix.  "6 Souls", I wasn't very impressed with it.  Now I'm watching an episode of "Murphy's aw of Love".  The infamous "fall on someone and their lips touching" just happened.  It's a popular thing in Asian dramas lol.  "Annabelle's" and the girl's first "kiss".

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Blog's Theme

I changed it a little bit, this time it's more blue-ish lol. 

I finished season 1 of Reign, it's still good to me, just some characters I want to slap.  Queen Mary of Scots has her mega-bitch moments.  I started up a Taiwanese drama.  The one girl told her friends that the one guy is like "Annabelle", she keeps bumping into him and he annoys her.  Reminds me, dear TV gods, I would like to see "Annabelle 2", thank you ever so much!

I also wish the horror movie "Valentine" starring David Boreanaz was on.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

My 30th Blog Post

My 30th ,boring as hell, blog post!

I woke up the final time like at 2:06PM, my mom arrived to get me a few minutes near 4PM lol.  I didn't mind since I always dread standing now anyway.  I got online at 5:30PM.  Just been doing my usual since then.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Swagasaurus Run

Easiest way for me to earn 10 cents on Swagbucks.  Just play that game on there 20 times and you earn SBs, no matter how horribly you do lol.  In my head, "Die, Dino, Die!", I tend to screw up after a few seconds.

My brother and his friends went to an Eagles' celebration parade in Philly, my mom watched it on TV, even when she was getting me ready for the day.

I thought my computer's mouse died a bit ago, turned out my computer froze, doh!  My brother restarted my computer for me.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Baby Groot

I now get what all the fuss was about Baby Groot haha.  I finally watched that movie.  It was good, though a little much action for me during the last battle.

I'm feeling better today thankfully.

This blog is only pointing out my boring-ness haha, oh wells!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mehish Tuesday

The afternoon was fine, the evening sucked.  Oh well.
One of these days I need to fix the theme I made and have Jake add it to his forum lol, it's pretty!  I've almost hit my personal goal amount on Swagbucks for the day.  I named my Adventure Dragon on Dragon City, Indy. 

Monday, February 5, 2018


Aunt Flo is visiting once again.  Blahhh! 

Meh, fork this for today.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I Was Right This Time!

It took me a little while, but I eventually correctly figured out why another actress on the show "Reign" looked familiar to me. She had played the older sister in the Narnia movies. It has been awhile since I've seen them, otherwise I would have figured it out sooner. 

It has been a good day in the world of Candy Crush. Lots of free Boosters which made it easy-peasy to beat a bunch of levels. 

2.5 episodes left of "My Little Baby" and then I'll continue on with "Reign"

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Minor Scare

Since sometime in December or January my right shoe has started to jab med if I don't stand up in a super specific way.  And now my right arm gets sore whenever I have to somewhat hang onto my mom when she helps me side-step or turn.  This morning my arm hurt so bad when she got me back into bed.  It hurt so much that I couldn't raise my arm upward, I seriously debated on telling her to call an ambulance.  Thankfully after some sleep, my arm improved.  Not all the way, but at least now I can raise it.

I gave myself a day off from Swagbucks and have been doing my other usual stuff.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Peek-A-Boo Sun

I've been doing a good job of getting out of bed before 3PM, maybe it's because winter is partly over?  As I waited for my mom for a minute or 2 to help me up, I watched the sun playing Peek-a-boo.  In my head I was all, "Hello, Sun.  Good-bye, Sun".

I was gonna watch the movie "Groundhog Day" if Netflix had it to stream.  They don't.  So it's basically been just like yesterday.  I've earned about 8 cents lol.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Another Day, Another Couple Cents

I've earned 13 cents today, woohoo!  I think I'll switch to their nCraving for a bit, cheezus!

I've also been on forums a little and Facebook.  So yeah...That's been my day.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Untitled lol

Almost up to 50 cents on Swagbucks!  I'm attempting to reach $5 by my birthday next month haha.  I had 27 cents when I started today.  I'm up to 44.  I've been "watching" video clips for a few hours.  Sadly I very very rarely qualify for the surveys.  Once I hit 50 it'll be "hello, Netflix!".

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Not Much to Blog About

I have days where the facial paralysis and forked up swallow = mega droolage, so on those days I hold my bucket in-front  of me and just Netflix or play FB games.  Today was such a day.

I'm enjoying Reign and the K-drama I've been watching.

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Somewhat Good Day

I got up at my preferred time!  Yay!  Did my usual everyday stuff, but it's my mom's birthday so I risked her falling asleep and watched a movie with her in the living room.  Thankfully the movie was good and I didn't end up having to wheel myself back to my bedroom :) .  "Going In Style" was the movie.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Mystery Mug

It turned out that my friend's mom had gotten my mom 2 mugs.  I guess the second came separately and it had no return address on it?  No idea!

I managed to wake earlier yesterday and my mom used that to trim my hair.  My mom showed me the new night light she got me.  It has different colors to choose from or it can go quickly through all of them, I chose the blue setting.  I need a little light to see the things on this little table by my bed.

I found out that Mary on Reign is now Ivy on OUaT, I felt really stupid after learning that lol.  It's so obvious now.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


So yeah, Friday was lame.  Another not-out-of-bed-until-after-4PM day.  Those have got to stop.  It's entirely my fault that my mom is so tired,  I should just go to bed at midnight and suck it up.  I'm gonna attempt 2am "tonight".

I finished a movie I had started Thursday night, a romantic comedy titled After the Ball.  It was Cinderella-ish.

My mom asked me if I sent her this rude mug she got today.  :/

Friday, January 26, 2018

Late Starts

I finished off season 4 of The Originals,  I'm on episode 4(?) of Reign.  The Originals season finale seemed like a series finale, hmmm.

Had another late start of a day, no biggie though with my not having anywhere I had to be.  I've decided to wait until after midnight to post entries to my blog since I keep having late starts.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Whoops!  Missed a day!  To be fair I was late getting online, for me anyway.  I'm usually online before 6PM.

Another of the usual days:  Netflix, forums and FB.  

I am such a geek.  I have one of my dragons being train ed in the game Dragon City and my mind just went to the movie How To Train Your Dragon.  I wonder if Netflix still has the 2nd movie.  I've only seen the 1st.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday the 22nd

One of these days I need to update my picture/avatar thingy.

It was back to my usual forked up sleep today.  At least I was out of bed before 3 in the afternoon, although I wish I'd just gone back to sleep.  

Sunday, January 21, 2018


I actually slept 5 hours in a row this morning-afternoon.  Usually at most it would be 3.5.  I believe I was a tad tired!  None of my usual issues had bothered me awake.

I watched Reign's pilot this morning and I'm already hooked haha.  It makes me think of The Tudors, both having queens named Catherine.  That show I flew through.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Saturday the 20th

Yes, I have gone so blank for titles that I simply just used the date lol.

I got into bed at 7AM, my final waking time was 2:30ishPM, but wasn't able to get out of bed until 4PM.  I had started watching the movie Penelope before bed.  Finished it this evening.  It was my 3rd time having watched it since the movie came out years ago.  Very good fantasy type movie IMO.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekends Are So Meh

I'm sleepy and again can't really think of what to write.  I've spent the late afternoon and evening mostly just watching  the show and playing Dragon City.

2 episodes left of Hart of Dixie then onto something else.  How was the show Reign?

Thursday, January 18, 2018


My mom got bored enough to ask for the login info for my Netflix, now all 3 of us in this house are gonna use it lol.  I of course suggested watching Stranger Things.  

I beat a few levels in Candy Crush, been playing Dragon City and watched some Hart of Dixie.  I went on forums a little too.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Snow, Fork Off!

It snowed here a little bit today, all the snow keeps making me think of the winter of 2004-2005.  It snowed lots then too :/.  Back then I had been in a hospital about a 45 minutes drive away from home.  No one could visit me on days it snowed.

Thus my hatred of snow began.

By the way, I finished off season 3 of Hart of Dixie.  Season 4 only has 10 episodes.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Better-ish Day

Today has been a better day for me, thank goodness.  I managed to get myself out of bed at a better time.  Lol  My mom was watching Syfy Channel movies and I guessed both right, more amusing since I didn't have my glasses on.

2.5 episodes of S3 of Hart of Dixie left.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sorry For the Boring

My blog entries are as boring as I predicted!  Nothing of interest went on this weekend or today.  I have 4.5 episodes left of Hart of Dixie's 3rd season and then onto the final season.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I've Got the Blahs

The cramps are gone, but I'm still feeling a bit blah-ish.  

So fun to stare at the blinking cursor thingy!  I'M THINKING, I'M THINKING!  Sheesh.

My day started a wee late due to my "sleeping in" and just getting out of bed late.  It's basically been just a Netflixing day.  Throw in lurking visibly on forums and playing on FB a little.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

My 1st Real Post

And so the blogging writer's block begins!

Aunt Flo started her visit yesterday, the evil wench.  I felt fine for most of the afternoon and evening, but around 10pm the hurting started.  I finally "nagged" my mom around 2am to wake and help me to bed and all.

Today I finished watching the movie I had started last night (In the Deep aka 47 Meters Down).  Wasn't great, but I've watched much worse.  Had to do the "nagging" a little while ago to get some Tylenol.  I'm hoping the weekend will be better, but we shall see.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018