Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Netflix's "Everything Sucks!"

I watched the pilot episode yesterday.  Ah, 1996, I was 15 back at that time.  When I got to high school it was 10th grade, the middle school I went to had 7th, 8th and 9th.  So technically I was never a freshman in high school!  They changed it the year after, making it so that there were 9th graders.

Anyways the show, too soon for me to tell if it's any good.  The pilot didn't hook me.


  1. I was 12 or 13, depending on which half of the year it was. =p

    That's kinda cool that you were never a 'true' freshman! Heh. I think the schools I went to had a change like that too, probably around the same time, because my elementary school used to go all the way to 6th grade, but by the time I was old enough, it was middle school. Didn't they call the 7th, 8th and 9th grade schools "junior high"?

    Anyway, I've been seeing that ad on Netflix, but haven't watched the show. Let us know if it gets more interesting or not! =)

    1. It was like that here, I had 6th grade in elementary. 9th to 9th was junior high/middle. We got out of the Senior Project, that started a year later lol.

      Will do!
