Thursday, April 19, 2018

3rd Time Wasn't a Charm!

My rescheduled eye doctor appointment was today.  The weather was meh, but at least it was only lightly raining.  My mom and I were in the car close to 3pm.  On the way there for some reason we got lost, which is a bit funny because we've been there bunches.  We ended up just going home  It was 5:30pm-ish when we got here.

Well, my streak's ruined! lol  I haven't been outside since like late November. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring, FINALLY!

It was 83 F today, it's so very nice!  I missed warm weather  so much!  The cold weather seemed to last for eternity!

My mom took our cat Calee to the vet the other day for shots and stuff.  Seems Calee is 16 years old.  My baby is an old lady!

I'm getting close to level 3,000 in Candy Crush Saga.  I'm on 2,897 HAHAHA!