Saturday, January 27, 2018


So yeah, Friday was lame.  Another not-out-of-bed-until-after-4PM day.  Those have got to stop.  It's entirely my fault that my mom is so tired,  I should just go to bed at midnight and suck it up.  I'm gonna attempt 2am "tonight".

I finished a movie I had started Thursday night, a romantic comedy titled After the Ball.  It was Cinderella-ish.

My mom asked me if I sent her this rude mug she got today.  :/


  1. Why's it your fault that your mom is so tired? And why would she think you sent her a rude mug?! That doesn't sound like you at all.

    1. She's my caregiver and has to help me into and out of bed among many other things.

      I would like to know the same thing.
      We found out who sent it and it wasn't meant to be taken personally. It says on it, ""F--k you and shut up."

    2. Oh wow, yeah that is not nice at all. Did it come through the mail? If so, I'm assuming nothing on the return address or anything... That's just horrible that someone would send something like that in the first place!

    3. It did come in the mail. It's meant to be funny. Another mug on the site it was ordered from said, "Hot sh-t" on it. They're naughty, humorous mugs.

    4. Oh, for some reason I didn't see the part where you said it wasn't meant to be taken personally. ☺️
